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Wallpaper Customizations

Discover a world of design possibilities with our customized wallpapers.

The Custom Design Process

When ordering custom color wallpaper from Vahallan, you gain access to a world of design possibilities.

We offer four distinct levels of customization, each carefully curated to cater to the specific needs of the interior designer's project.

Whether it's about selecting the perfect hues to match the room's ambiance, or incorporating unique elements to make a statement, our custom color wallpaper options are tailored to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

Contact us to find out more about our customization options.

We offer the following levels of wallpaper customization:


  • Use an existing pattern
  • Customize using Vahallan paints
  • Remove an existing element


  • Use an existing pattern
  • Customize using non-Vahallan paints
  • Adding extra material
  • Convert to a different finish (ie. matte or metallic)


  • Use an non-existing pattern or modify scale of existing pattern
  • Match fabric/textile pattern
  • Combine techniques of existing pattern


  • Completely new idea or experiment

get in touch

To find out more about the customizations we offer and to discuss your ideas, send us a message.

Shipping fees may apply to some sample orders.


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